Shapiro Auctions

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Welcome to Shapiro Auctions. Our auctions feature an impressive selection of fine art, decorative art, rare books, icons and other objects from antiquity to the present. We conduct multiple sales a year with focuses on EuropeanAmericanRussianLatin American, and Asian works of art. Most importantly we achieve exceptional results and pride ourselves on personalized service that larger auction houses cannot offer.

We advertise all of our auctions globally using a rich mix of eblasts, digital marketing and print advertising. In fact, our clients come from every corner of the world. Each auction is also marketed through major online auction platforms including Invaluable, Live Auctioneers, and AuctionMobility. Our live auctions are also conducted on these platforms in order to reach the maximum number of buyers.

Owner Gene Shapiro makes regular appearances on Antiques Roadshow valuing paintings, drawings, and icons. He started his career in the Contemporary department at Sotheby’s, New York, before working as a private art dealer, eventually founding his eponymous firm in 2007 and building a globally known auction brand.

Submit your items today by simply dragging and dropping your images to the boxes on the left. One of our appraisers will get back to you shortly. If you need to contact us sooner, please call us at (212) 717-7500 or email us at with any questions. To find out more about Shapiro Auctions, please visit our about section here.